Across the United States, this winter may go down as one of the harshest winters on record. My home state of Minnesota has seen record-breaking cold temperatures and snowfalls. We still have many feet of snow piled up around our streets and homes. All this cold can cause a person to want to slow down, cuddle up, and stay inside. Don’t get me wrong, I love winter and the fun activities that this season brings, but I have noticed an increase in sluggish behavior in my home and with Stone Foundations of Learning clients.
Being a student is a full-time job. We need to make sure that our children are making school a top priority – even with the “slowed down” winter attitudes. Even though it may not feel like it now, spring is coming. But don’t allow your children to wait for the season of excitement to get going on their work. We need to help our children dig in to do their best before those warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours get here.
Stone Foundations of Learning, Inc. offers tools for success in school. Here are a few to consider.
1.Planner System Make sure that your child knows how to use the planner to keep track of all responsibilities in and outside of school. Record everything from homework due dates to music lessons and basketball practice.
2. Weekly Meeting Have your child run a formal meeting with you once a week explaining his progress in school and discuss future plans in school and as a family. Add these dates to the planner and your calendar too.
3. Folder System With any folder system, you need to make sure that your child can find his homework within 30 seconds. This test will help to show if your child has every paper in the correct place. Try hanging files in an office crate. Label each file for a particular class. Staple unit materials together to keep information neat and easy to find.
Help your child begin again in this long winter season by providing tools for success. This can be a new beginning, brimming with opportunities. A fresh start, just like springtime!
Learn more about services available for students, parents, and learning institutions from Stone Foundations of Learning, Inc.!